About Us

It runs from Class LKG to X in its full swing under the kind- controlled guidance of Mr. S. R. Prasad, the Principal. It ensures hundred percent academic outcomes. There is lot of team work , innovation, co-ordination and co-operation among the staff.
Motto & Ambition
The motto of the school is “Service Before Self”. As is self evident from our motto, we believe in attending to the needs of society first. We call upon our students also to give priority to serving the interest of other people first. Along with service to society we are also making an effort to train and familiarize our students with the latest technology. Computer education is an integral part of curriculum. We help the students to develop intellectual clarity and power to think independently.
Our Ambition
Our ambition is to dedicate ourselves to the development of the mighty country through education. We have already sent our 400+ students as professionals to serve in various fields such as Medical, Engineering, Army, Air-Force, Navy, Banking, Computer Technology, Law, Chartered Accountancy, Fashion Designing, etc. We are confident that these students will not only serve their concerned departments sincerely but also be morally upright and honest.
Integrated Learning
The school has a healthy, dynamic and conductive environment for teaching learning process facilitated by highly competent and well experienced teaching staff applying modern means, techniques and skills of teaching.
Teaching is not a profession; it is a mission – a mission of turning our ideal citizens for the country. Both the teachers and the students are enabled to enjoy their work, even the complex and complicated ones with sincere care and effort. The children are given opportunities to let their expressions have exposure to real life situations and their innate capacity is developed through co-curricular activities viz., excursions, SUPW, debates, declamations, dramatics, quizzes, etc. to strengthen their mental faculty. Emphasis is also laid on the development of analytical thinking and constructive vision of the world as a whole.
Teaching is not a profession; it is a mission – a mission of turning our ideal citizens for the country. Both the teachers and the students are enabled to enjoy their work, even the complex and complicated ones with sincere care and effort. The children are given opportunities to let their expressions have exposure to real life situations and their innate capacity is developed through co-curricular activities viz., excursions, SUPW, debates, declamations, dramatics, quizzes, etc. to strengthen their mental faculty. Emphasis is also laid on the development of analytical thinking and constructive vision of the world as a whole.
Our Approach
We strive to attain all-round development of every child improving his or her communication skills including verbal and non-verbal gestures in an effective manner. We adopt environmental friendly approach to extract latent caliber of children. Above all, we develop a citizen who can accept both success and failure without using any wrong means. We make sincere effort to blend spiritual and technical qualities so that cultural heritage is preserved.
Activity Oriented Learning
We try to make children inquisitive in nature through healthy questionnaire session, which is further substituted with practical demonstration session. General Knowledge and quiz are also an essential part of our approach. General Knowledge and Quiz competitions are organized regularly.